
New Show Announcement! August Christopher w/Heartbreaker – America’s Tribute to Pat Benatar & American Scarecrow April 17th

Wed Apr 17 2024
7:00 PM (Doors 6:00 PM)
3rd and Lindsley
818 3rd Ave. S Nashville, TN 37210
All Ages

August Christopher is currently featured in the Amazon Prime movie “All or Nothing”, a film that documents the band’s crazy career since 1999, ending with their van completely on fire, which debuted in theatres in LA, NY and Nashville to full houses!

AC’s 25 year career spans over 2000 live shows with radio friendly rock songs, crowd participation, and TONS of energy! Be prepared for surprise freestyles and an evening of sing along, sometimes nuts… FUN!

Tickets: https://www.ticketweb.com/event/august-christopher-heartbreaker-3rd-and-lindsley-tickets/13443483?pl=3rdlindsley&fbclid=IwAR3sZtMKPGpPRCRN9chx9uiiqIIVpn5E6zTelfxPt_lXG5fWve3QwdppMYU

Heartbreaker – America’s Tribute to Pat Benatar at the Open Chord Stage March 30th, 2024!

Heartbreaker - America's Tribute to Pat Benatar

Date: Saturday March 30th 2024

Venue: Open Chord Stage, 8502 Kingston Pike., Knoxville, TN 37919

Time: Doors 6pm | Show 8pm

Ticket Price: $20 Advance | $25 Day of Show

Ticket Link: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prekindle.com%2Fevent%2F21952-heart-breaker-knoxville%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0kOXPbBcX1YOUIW9R-34FQ9CLoKInQJMST0KOze60ZJO0jA0AjYZobGA8&h=AT3mQrsEzYfLubBziWjTKcOONCEHGt1bWPhO13XwQvak2VJbkCPcxs8t2cTMKwlzVaJTQ4XRUhds48BNACoSG8vRhJ6BmGqN_zJLI7vHzHXcHnNXJRBOcrpQTuSNB0EBjml5Xg

Seating is first come first serve.

Heartbreaker – America’s Tribute to Pat Benatar to Perform with A Springsteen Celebration at City Winery Nashville

Heartbreaker - America's Tribute to Pat Benatar

New Show Alert!

Heartbreaker – America’s Tribute to Pat Benatar will be opening for our friends A Springsteen Celebration at the City Winery Nashville on Oct 28th! We hope to see you there!

Thank you to A Springsteen Celebration for inviting us!

Saturday Oct 28th, 2023
Doors: 6pm
Show: 8pm

Tickets: https://citywinery.com/nashville/Online/default.asp?BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::permalink=NSH-ASC-10-28-23-8PM&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::context_id=

Missy Garnett David Lowry – Guitarist Jeff Gibson Jamie Smith Angela Marie Rudy Zeithammel Sean Harrison

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